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『英文書』Gossip Girl, The Carlyles #4: Love the One You're With

書城自編碼: 2154778
分類:簡體書→原版英文書→小说 Fiction
作者: Cecily
國際書號(ISBN): 9780316020671
出版社: Hachette
出版日期: 2009-10-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 213/
書度/開本: 大32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 159.8



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《Gossip Girl, The Carlyles #3: 》
It''s Thanksgiving, and the Carlyle triplets are thankful to be
escaping the New York City cold-they''re jetting to the tropics and
bringing all their friends along for the ride. The sun isn''t the
only thing that''s sizzling on this vacation getaway--I''m
forecasting sultry poolside encounters, too. So, don''t forget to
pack the sunscreen...you don''t want to get burned. You know you
love me, Gossip Girl
Cecily Von Zeigesar attended herself one of the smart private
schools in Manhatten, New York, and much of the tales told in
''Gossip Girl'' as a result ring with great authenticity. She is
currently writing further titles in the Gossip Girl series.
Bloomsbury will be publishing the series at regular intervals
throughout 2003 with a high profile, energetic and suitably
cutting-edge marketing campaign. This deliciously catty and
engrossing series will be the spicy vanguard for Bloomsbury pushing
the boundaries into young adult fiction.
塞西莉·冯·齐格萨(Cecily Von Ziegesar)生在纽约曼哈顿区,手能握笔,就开始学着写作。
她非常熟悉曼哈顿的生活,相信Gossip Girl里一定有她许多的成长经历。
Gossip Girl是她的第一部小说,也是她的成名之作。现在跟丈夫、孩子一起住在布鲁克林区。



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