释义 adj. of teaching or learning in schools,
colleges, etc. 学校的,学院的;学术性的;of theoretical interest only 纯理论的,不切实际的 n. a teacher at a university, college, etc.大学教师;a professional scholar 专业学者
词根 academ 学院,学校+icadj. →学校的
派生 academics5 n. 学习,学术 academy7 n. 专科学校;研究院;学会
academician n. 学会会员;院士;大学生;学者
同义 scholastic, scholarly, literary
搭配 academic calendar 校历 academic rank 学术头衔
例句 They tend to
be more independent, which is a very important factor in academic study and
research, as well as giving them an advantage in terms of coping with the
challenges of student life. IELTS5,T2,W2 他们变得更加独立,这不仅是理论学习和研究中一个非常重要的因素,同时也使他们在应对学生生活挑战的时候更具优势。
accessible10 [k''sesbl]
释义 adj. that
can be reached, used, etc. 易于得到的,易于接近的,易于理解的
词根 acto+cess
去+ible 能……的 →能走过去的→易于接近的
派生 access52 n. 接近或进入的道路;接近或进入的方法或权利、机会等
搭配 havegain
access to 有 机会、手段、权力 得到 接近 进入
例句 The
city centre is just a five-minute walk from the College, easily accessible
lunch or study breaks. IELTS4,TA,R2 市中心离学院只有5 分钟的路程,在午休和学习休息时都很容易到达。
felt this would make them more accessible to pupils
brought up in a cartoon culture. IELTS8,T4,R1 他认为这可能使它们更容易被在卡通文化中成长起来的小学生理解。
accompany18 [''kmpn]
释义 v. to
walk or to travel with sb. as a companion or helper; escort 陪伴,陪同; to be present or
to occur with sth. 伴随……同时发生;to
play an accompaniment for sb. 伴奏
词根 ac
强调作用+company 伙伴 →陪同
派生 accompanist n. 伴奏者,合奏者
同义 escort,
convoy, go with, follow
例句 The
road improvements and accompanying maintenance
system had helped make the district centre accessible throughout the year.
IELTS7,T2,R3 道路改建以及相应的维护系统使通向区中心的道路常年畅通。
□ academic32 □ accessible10 □ accompany18
accomplish10 [''kmpl]
释义 v. to
succeed in doing sth.; to complete successfully; to achieve 达到 目的,完成
词根 acto+complish
complete, 完全 →完成
同义 finish,
complete, attain, fulfill
派生 accomplishment2 n. 完成,实现;成就;造诣,技能
例句 In
setting up the Nobel Foundation and the Nobel Peace Prizes, he hoped to accomplish
he had not been able to do during his lifetime. IELTS10,TB,R3 通过设立诺贝尔基金和诺贝尔和平奖,他希望能够完成在他有生之年不能实现的事情。
account52 [''kant]
释义 n. a
statement of money paid or owed for goods or services 账,账户; a report; a description
记述,描述,报道 v. to
be the explanation of sth.; to explain the cause of sth. 解释,说明;to regard
sb.sth. as; to consider 认为
词根 acto+count
计算 →计算→解释,说明
派生 accountant3 n. 会计师 accountancy2 n. 会计职业
accountable adj. 有责任的,有解释义务的
accountability1 n. 有责任,有义务;可说明性
搭配 account
for 说明,解释 on
account of 基于,由于
all accounts 无论如何 on
no account 决不
into account=take account of 考虑,重视
例句 Greenberg
is in a minority among fellow linguists, most of whom favour the notion of a great
many waves of migration to account for the more
than 1,000 languages spoken at one time by American Indians. IELTS7,T3,R2
Greenberg 在语言学家中属于少数派,大多数语言学家倾向于用多次的移民潮来解释当时美国印第安人说的语言超过1000种这一现象。
accurate9 [''kjrt]
释义 adj. careful
and exact 准确的,精确的
词根 acto+cur
留心+ate →做事要留心→确保准确
派生 accuracy4 n. 准确,精确,准确性 accurately3 adv. 精确地,准确地
inaccurate adj. 不正确的,不准确的 inaccuracy n. 不正确,不准确
inaccurately adv. 不正确地
例句 This
enables the linguists’ claims about the language to be
checked, and provides a way of making those claims more accurate.
IELTS4,T3,R3 这种方法使得语言学家关于语言的结论得到验证,并且使得这些结论更加精确。
activate9 [''ktvet]
释义 v. to
make sth. active 使活动,起动,触发
派生 activation1 n. 活化,激活 active16 adj. 活跃的
activity102 n. 活动
例句 Each
of the floats is dropped in the ocean from a boat at a set point and activated
a satellite. IELTS7,T3,L3 从船上将每个浮标丢在海洋中一个既定的点, 然后再从卫星上激活。