Part One Introduction to Educational Debate
Part Two Worlds-Style Debate
Part Three Debating Skills
Part Four Elements of Argument and Argumentation
Part Five Teaching and Coaching Debate
PrefaceThis textbook resulted from work produced by a team of people instrumental in the creation ofCDEN over a three-year period from 2012 through 2015. CDEN is a loose association of teachersand students from six universities in the United States and three hundred and eighty universitiesin the People’s Republic of China. Over the course of the first three years of CDEN, over 5,700students and almost 2,000 teachers and judges have participated in debate events held in variousprovinces of the People’s Republic of China.The formal mission of CDEN is to provide opportunities for Chinese university students alongwith students from other nations, primarily the United States, to come together in friendlycompetition to discuss issues of global importance. The goal of CDEN is to transcend individualnational viewpoints, developing individuals who learn from one another toward becoming notonly citizens of PRC and USA, but global citizens as well. Toward that end, this book is titled,Building Global Relations through Debate.The chapters that follow explain how to participate in a debate format called Worlds-Style debate.The authors of the text present ways readers may become effective debaters, emphasizing that aneffective debater is an ethical debater whose goal is to transcend the limited aim of winning thedebate toward finding ways to respectfully and effectively manage global conflicts. In this text,the authors teach students to use informed and reasoned bases for creating and then engagingvital and sometimes tense clashes of significant ideas. Using integrity, skill, and high regard forthe process and other individuals in the process, these effective debaters argue with reason andevidence to fashion viable ways to manage disagreement toward a peaceful solution.