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書城自編碼: 3745991
作者: Geoff Thompson
國際書號(ISBN): 9787521334173
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
出版日期: 2022-04-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 64.4



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杰夫·汤普森(Geoff Thompson):国际知名系统功能语言学家,英国利物浦大学英语语言文学系教授,曾任国际系统功能语言学协会主席,曾在上海交通大学任教两年。
Foreword xxxi
Acknowledgements xxxiii
1 The purposes of linguistic analysis 1
1.1 Starting points 1
1.2 Language, context and function: a preliminary exploration 11
Exercise 12
2 Identifying clauses and clause constituents 14
2.1 Breaking up the sentence – and labelling the parts 14
2.2 Ranks 21
Exercises 26
3 An overview of Functional Grammar 28
3.1 Three kinds of meaning 28
3.2 Register and genre 39
Exercises 44
4 Interacting: the interpersonal metafunction 45
4.1 Introduction 45
4.2 Roles of addressers and audience 46
4.3 Mood 50
4.4 Modality 68
4.5 Appraisal 79
4.6 Interaction and negotiation 84
4.7 Interaction through text 85
Exercises 88
5 Representing the world: the experiential metafunction 91
5.1 Introduction 91
5.2 Transitivity: processes and participants 94
5.3 More complex aspects of transitivity 119
5.4 Transitivity patterns in text 131
5.5 Ergativity 139
Exercises 142
6 Organizing the message: the textual metafunction – Theme 145
6.1 Introduction: making messages fi t together 145
6.2 Theme 147
6.3 Identifying Theme 148
6.4 Special thematic structures 153
6.5 Theme in clause complexes 159
6.6 Multiple Theme 161
6.7 Some issues in Theme analysis 165
6.8 Theme in text 171
6.8.1 An illustration of Theme in text 172
6.9 A final note on identifying Theme 180
Exercises 181
7 Clauses in combination 185
7.1 Introduction 185
7.2 Units of analysis 186
7.3 Types of relations between clauses 187
7.4 Expansion 194
7.5 Projection 201
7.6 Clause complexing 208
Exercises 212
8 Organizing the message: the textual metafunction – cohesion 215
8.1 Cohesion and coherence 215
8.2 Reference and ellipsis 216
8.3 Conjunction 225
8.4 Cohesion and register 228
Exercises 232
9 Grammatical metaphor 233
9.1 Introduction 233
9.2 Grammatical metaphor 234
9.3 Experiential and logical metaphors 238
9.4 Interpersonal metaphors 246
9.5 Textual metaphor 251
9.6 A cautionary note 252
Exercises 252
10 Implications and applications of Functional Grammar 255
10.1 Three-dimensional analysis of texts 255
10.2 A summary review of Functional Grammar 262
10.3 Using Functional Grammar 264
10.4 Closing 266
Answers to exercises 267
Further reading 297
References 302
Index 307



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