How to use a unit如何使用每一单元
How t0 1earn new words如何学习生词
Abbreviations and symbols缩写与符号
1 I can talk about vocabulary learning词汇学习
2 I can describe my progress and aims进步与目标
3 I can understand a learner’S dictionary学习型词典
4 I can talk about English punctuation英语标点符号
5 I can talk about appearance外貌
6 I can talk about character性格
7 I can describe my feelings感受
8 I can talk about relationships关系
9 I can talk about families家庭
10 I can talk about weddings and funerals婚礼与葬礼
The world around us周围的世界
11 I can describe the universe宇宙
12 I can talk about rivers and the sea河流与海洋
13 I can describe the climate气候
14 I can describe natural disasters自然灾害
15 I can describe animals and insects动物与昆虫
Daily Iife日常生活
16 I can describe a range offood食物
17 I can talk about diets and cooking饮食与烹饪
18 I can talk about money金钱
19 I can talk about sleep睡眠
20 I can talk about injuries伤害
21 I can talk about Cars and drivin9汽车与驾驶
22 I can describe travel problemsand accidents旅行中的麻烦与事故
23 I can talk about clothes and fashion服装与时尚
Getting things done完成每一件事
24 I can describe a visit fo the dentist看牙医
25 I can describe hospital procedures就医流程
26 I can explain household tasks家事
27 I can describe hotasework家务活
28 I can talk to a hairdresser与美发师交谈
Describinq things描述
29 I can describe urban life城市生活
30 T can describe parts of a btiildin9建筑物一隅
31 I can describe objects物品
32 I can describe the senses感知
33 I can describe a paintin9画作
34 I can describe actions行为
Social and politica issuesa and polItica ISSUes社会与政治话题。
35 I can talk about crime犯罪行为
36 I can describe the justiae system司法系统
37 I can discuss health issues健康话题